CHP 430W
CHP 430W was is a foundation course in the application of social and behavioral science perspectives to health services and public health. In CHP 430W I learned how public health and health services administration is a multi-disciplinary field aimed at reducing preventable morbidity and premature mortality and promoting a higher quality of life in population and groups through health intervention. This course was an introduction to the relationship of behaviors as well as social and political structures to health outcomes. The course highlighted global contexts and practice for understanding and improving health. In this course I applied several types of surveys  which included the basic concepts, analytic frameworks, and intervention strategies that can be applied to current public health issues.
CHP 430W Final Project
In CHP 430W I was required to write a 8 page research paper on an active health care issue in their community. The research paper had to include the community resources found for the community that I conducted my research. I also had to explain were the community resources available or lacking in the support of the community needs.
CHP 430W Community Project
Research Question: Can the daily use of 75 mg of Sertraline (Zoloft) minimize the symptoms of PTSD in active duty members stationed in Beaufort, South Caroline?
Independent Variable: 75 mg of Sertraline (Zoloft)
Dependent Variable: Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) Effective test
Symptoms Level
0= no symptoms
1= 1 symptoms
2= 2-3 symptoms
3= All symptoms
Hypothesis: I hypothesize that the daily use of 75 mg of sertraline (Zoloft), can minimize PTSD symptoms in active duty military members stationed in Beaufort, South Carolina.
The population I chose to study was active duty Navy sailors who are stationed in Beaufort, South Carolina that suffered from PTSD. The population I focused on were those who were currently being treated at the Naval Hospital Beaufort’s Mental Health Clinic for PTSD for the time period of 2 months. During my research process I was given access to treatment record logs after each visit that patients. I gathered all my information from treatment status forms of patients who used 75 mg of Zoloft for PTSD symptoms compared to those who only seek therapeutic verbal treatment. Using the survey method, I was able to gather information from 15 patients and their experience from 75 mg of Zoloft or therapeutic treatment to figure out which method was most effective. I also used the appointment treatment forms that track the progress of each sailor. This secondary data was used to compare the treatment process and how affective 75 mg of Zoloft is for sailors who suffer from PTSD symptoms with comparison to therapeutic verbal treatments.
Descriptive statistics helps describe the first-time impressions of a variable. When a see something for the first time, a researcher will focus on the superficial details. The correlation testing looks for a mutual connection between two variables. T-Test are used to find a significant difference between means of two groups. T-Test are used as a testing tool to help generate assumptions to a certain population. ANOVA testing allows researchers to compare two or more means simultaneously. The test looks for a relation of existence between the two variables. Chi-square assess the significance of a difference between data from two or more samples. In my research I will use T-Test to find a significant difference between means of group 1 (Zoloft Users) and group 2 (None Zoloft Users) to help determine if PTSD symptoms of active duty sailor members can be reduced by either treatment. This data randomly collected from 10 members half who received the medication and other half didn’t. The subjects were also split my gender to see if that played a key role in how the results would be. I hypothesize members win group 1 less symptoms compared to members who only received clinical treatment.
PTSD Survey Statistics
Based off the data collected Group 1 (Zoloft Users) Had 0-1 side effects of PTSD during their treatment process but Group 2 (Non-Zoloft Users) experienced 2-3 side effects during their treatment process. It was also documented Females in Group 1 had less side effects than the males in Group 1. In Group females experienced more PTSD symptoms than males. My hypothesis is similar true based off the data gathered during my research. Active duty sailors who take 75 mg Zoloft experience fewer symptoms of PTSD compared to those who only seek clinical therapy. After using the T-Test method to find the significant difference between the two groups it was documented that Group 1 has a mean of .8 while Group 2 has a mean of 2.8. This proves that active duty members who receive 75 mg of Zoloft experience less symptoms compared to those who only received clinical treatment with no medication.