ENVH 301
Principle of Environmental Health Science
Course Description
An introduction to the chemical, physical and biological factors affecting human health and well-being. The emphasis is on application of controls to prevent disease and maximize environmental quality.
Describe the direct and indirect human, ecological, and safety effects of major environmental and occupational agents.
Describe federal regulatory programs, guidelines, and authorities that control environmental and/or occupational health issues.
Specify approaches for assessing, preventing, and controlling environmental or occupational hazards that pose risk to human health and safety.
Assess the health status of populations, determinants of health and illness, and factors contributing to health promotion and disease prevention

Clinical Evolution
Integration of ENVH 301 and the Naval Hospital Beaufort OMFS Clinic
Tissue Log Instruction
ENVH 301 assisted in the creation of the Human Tissue Log and documentation sheet. In the operating room, technicians keep all live tissued locked in a secure area until requested by a surgeon. Any department that contains live tissue at the Naval Hospital Beaufort was required to have a Human Tissue Policy to explain all the rules and regulations with storing live tissue. In the OMFS clinic we used demineralized and mineralized bone during bone grafting procedures. This type of bone was also used during dental implant procedures as well. Since the tissue was used during minor procedures we originally did not have our own policy but shared one with the main operating room. This shared policy caused many issues for the OMFS clinic due to different types of tissues were used which required different storage conditions..would be approved by Joint Commission, LT Wilson ( Division Officer) and myself began designing a policy that would be used for oral surgery. The form was put together by using several Navy regulation manuals from other medical facilities. The Standard Operating Procedure provided guidance to the Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) staff as to the proper procedures regarding acquisition, receipt, storage, monitoring, transporting, issuance, and tracking of human cell, tissue, cellular and tissue-based products (Allograft materials). It would be revised every quarter by the clinical director to match any new updates the Navy created for all oral surgery clinics.
Health Promotions
ENVH 301 was extremely helpful in dental health promotions. With the use of research-based strategies, we were able to   design brochures, news letters and other reading material to help promote positive changes in dental hygiene to the local sailors and marines. Many sailors and marines fear the dental clinic. They tend to avoid dental exams due to bad experiences from bootcamp. Many sailors and marines have poor dental hygiene and lack the knowledge on how to properly take care of their teeth. ENVH 301 helped list the major chemical, physical and biological agents that may adversely impact patients dental health. The course also outlined the mechanisms by which disease-causing agents spread through the environment. We used this information to start a health promotions program that would focus on different forms of dental diseases and help tips to prevent them. The goal was to design a monthly rotation of  different promotions to assist with educating the population and possibly decreases the current fear of the dental office. This type of exposure to sailors and marines influenced them to take better care of their teeth.